👷Staff Commands

General Staff Commands



Toggle staff mode. Saves your player inventory and transitions you into a staff member inventory and unlocks additional staff commands to moderate/administrate the server.


Toggles going into a specific staff mode. Based on your staff rank you can replace Helper in this example with Mod, Admin etc


Opens up the Staff GUI Menu

/sc message text here or @ message text here (no / needed at beginning)

Send chat message to Staff Chat. Obviously only other staff members will see whatever messages you send here.


Activates staff flying mode, only if the current staff mode you're in allows it.

Rank Commands


/setrank [player] [rank_id]

Admin command to force-set rank of online player.

/prestigeadmin add [player] [amount]

Add prestige levels to player.

/prestigeadmin set [player] [amount]

Set prestige levels to player.

/prestigeadmin remove [player] [amount]

Remove prestige levels from player.

Token Commands


/tokens give [player] [amount]

Admin command to give player specified amount of tokens.

/tokens remove [player] [amount]

Admin command to remove specified amount of tokens from player.

/tokens set [player] [amount]

Admin command to set specified amount of tokens to player.

Chat Commands


/chat clear

Completely clear the most recent chats (120 lines)

/chat toggle

Toggle the chat on or off. If chat is off no one but staff with permissions can speak in the chat.

/chat slow <seconds>

Slow the chat for x seconds. Requires players to wait 5-10 seconds in-between (depending on server config) sent chat messages for however many seconds you specify.

/chat slow 0

Disabled slow chat mode completely.



/infractions <playername>

Opens the infractions gui displaying all infractions of the given player

/infractions-top <type?>

Open the overview of players and their amount of infractions. Ordered by most to least infractions. The type parameter is optional. When given only the top of that specific type of infraction will be shown.

Investigate Player(s)


/investigate <player?>

Open/resume an investigation. If no player name is given you will start an investigation with an "Unknown" player


Pause your currently ongoing investigation


Conclude your investigation. This closes the investigation

/manage-investigations <playername?>

Opens up the overview of all investigations or all investigation for a player if the playername is provided

/inote <notemessage>

Add a note to your current investigation

Deal w/ Naughty Players


/freeze <player>

Freezes a player preventing them from moving.

/kick [player] [reason?]

Kicks a player from current server for reason(s) stated.

/mute [player] [reason] [-soft?] [-hard?]

Permanently mute a player

/tempmute [player] [amount] [unit] [reason] [-soft?] [-hard?]

Temporarily mute a player

/unmute [player] [reason]

Manually unmutes a player

Mutes where the player will be notified he is muted, we call this hard mutes. Mutes where the player has no idea he has been muted, we call this soft mutes. If you don't specify a hard or soft mute in the command it will default to a hard mute.


/ban [player] [reason]

Permanently ban a player

/tempban [player] [amount] [unit] [reason]

Temporary ban a player the given duration

/ban-extend [player] [amount] [unit]

Extend the ban duration of a temporarily banned player

/ban-reduce [player] [amount] [unit]

Reduce the ban duration of a temporarily banned player

/unban [player] [reason]

Unban a player from the server


Opens the bans overview GUI

The system keeps track of all players, their usernames and every IP address they have used to login to the server. This is used in the event someone becomes a problem and will help prevent them from logging into the server with alt accounts, an alt ip address etc.

WARNING: An IP Address ban is not player based! Banning an IP alone will most probably impact more than one player. If you want to block a specific player by username use the normal banning of staff++. If you still want to proceed with banning a player based on his IP, realize you might impact other players as well.

Luckily you will always be warned what players will be impacted when banning or unbanning an IP address.


/ipban [player/ip-address/cidr]

Add an ip ban based on a player, ip or cidr

/iptempban [player/ip-address/cidr] [amount] [timeunit]

Temporarily add an ip ban based on a player, ip or cidr

/ipunban [player/ip-address/cidr]

Remove a ban based on a player, ip or cidr

/ipban-check [playername]

Check if the given player's ip is banned

/ipbans or /ipbans players

List all active IP-bans or list all banned players

Report Commands



Used to manage reports. You can list or clear all the reports of a player


Open the manage reports GUI.


Search reports by different criteria.

Searching Reports

Command to search reports by specific criteria. For example: /find-reports assignee=never2nv status=IN_PROGRESS type=GRIEFER



id of the report. Will always return one report


Player who created the report


Currently assigned staff member


Status of the report


Reported player.


Type of the report. Will only work if custom report types are enabled


You can subscribe and unsubscribe to certain types of alerts.

/alerts ALT_DETECT

Subscribe/UnSubscribe from alt account detection alerts when players login to a different account.

/alerts XRAY

Subscribe/Unsubscribe to X-Ray related alerts.

/alerts MENTIONS

Subscribe/UnSubscribe to mention related alerts when staff/you are mentioned etc.


Subscribe/UnSubscribe to alerts anytime a player changes their name.

Last updated